Final Day Pictures

Bikes lined up ready for the final leg to the beach

Rob leading the pace line to the beach

                                                     Seat Tags for some of the riders

Tube wrapped around the hub of the tandem - 5 miles from the beach
Jim was able to bring the bike under control

John and Rob resting their weary feet

Our great PACTour support crew
Front row - Wayne, George, Jon, Lon
Back row - Brad, Tracey, Bill, Susan

Randy in the Atlantic Ocean at Yorktown Beach

RAAM Qualifiers
Tim Feldman, Lara Sullivan, Andrew Puddy, (hidden Pat Seeley), Jon Batek,
Rob Welsh, John Newton, Max Hogan, Randy Mouri, Lynn Lashley

Lara and her nails

Lara and her captains
Wayne, Jim, Lara, Harold, Lon